
Transformers Diablock Convoy

I normally hate those stupid Built To Rule style LEGO-ized versions of Transformers, but for some reason, I really want one of these:

Diablock Convoy

Available in August, fully transforming, fully articulated, no parts swapping, what's not to love?

UPDATE: Uhhhh, how about the $60 price tag?


  1. Those G1 designs are total bricks! (Somebody tell me if I'm the first to use that-I think it's hilarious.) I saw a little video of this in action and I'm amazed at how big it is. It looks great.

    I am stunned that Lego hasn't pursued a Transformer license by now.

  2. Yeah, I saw that video, too, which is what convinced me that I want it. I wouldn't have given it a second thought without that, and dismissed it as a Japanese version of BTR.

    I wonder if they're going to do this with other G1 characters? If so, I better start working some overtime.

  3. I think I read one guy on the Seibertron boards say that this guy is a big shelfwarmer in Japan. I expect the online stores will be discounting it after a while big time if that's true.

  4. That would be nice. I can't find this thing at any of my usual import joints. Granted, "usual import joints" consists of HobbyLink Japan, but still...I'm not holding out much hope of getting one at a decent price. If you see one cheap, let me know, huh?

  5. The only place I still see them online is NCSX.com. They still want $73, but maybe they'll clearance them.
