
Transformers Universe Inferno

Universe Inferno 1

I'm unemployed right now, so Universe Inferno represents my last toy purchase until I find gainful unemployment again. Now, before you get all ornery and say "You know, if you're unemployed you probably shouldn't be buying a lot of toys" let me say that I have been looking for Inferno for about a month and a half and have not seen him in the wild yet. I got birthday money from my parents, and said "screw driving all over creation looking for it, I'll just order it." So I ordered it from HTS. The day after it shipped out, I got laid off.

Universe Inferno 2

I'd like to say that I have some humorous correlation between unemployment and buying plastic toys, but I don't. When you have money to spend, these things look great and you want to buy lots of them. When you don't have money to spend, you start buying HY-TOP® brand ketchup and Better Valu® brand beans. You buy one week's groceries at a time, and tell yourself "I don't really need that brand new Star Wars Snowtrooper that I've been waiting 25 years for, let alone six of them."

Universe Inferno 3

So, here he is. I really should be enjoying Universe Inferno because he's sweet and all. Anyone want to see my resume?

Universe Inferno 4


  1. *is now on the lookout for a Snowtrooper to send you*

    I won't order one, mind you. But if I see one in the wild...

    ~Matt Booker

  2. Nice inferno in modern fire engine. It quite ani-correct

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Laid off!?! That's terrible news, Heavy. Be strong and I'm sure things will work out somehow. Good luck.

    And, oh yeah, on a far less serious and on-topic note--- Voyager Inferno is a wonderful figure, indeed.

  4. Oh man, bummer... I hope you get a job soon. I assume this is why WTJP was delayed, and that's totally understandable. Good luck, bud!

  5. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Good luck man!!!! Keep posting, keep making your dreams come true and keep your kitchen full (and the most important: find a balance between all this). I'm not kidding, I enjoy a LOT your blog and share many feelings. The difference is that I'm Brazilian, our Gi JOE are rare (and crap), our toys costs zillions )actually, hundreds...), and I sit in front of your blog having nice and sweet dreams. You give me hope, a sweet children's hope, and that's very nice to me.
