
GI Joe 25th Anniversary Original 13: Clutch

Our second O13 figure was not a single-carded figure but a vehicle driver. Clutch's ride of choice was the Multi-Purpose Attack Vehicle (VAMP), and thankfully he was included with the 25th Anniversary release of the VAMP. Or more appropriately, thankfully Hasbro released the VAMP in the 25A line. Strangely, the 25A box art boasts that the VAMP includes the figure "Double Clutch." I'm glad Hasbro thought to put his correct codename in his stand.

2 Clutch B

Unlike the regular figures, I didn't really care much about the early Joe vehicle drivers, I guess because their character art was usually never included on the back of regular figure cards. Also, because young Heavyarms knew that Cobra vehicles were where it was at. However, the VAMP has actually grown on me, probably because its olive green paint job fits so well with the the figures. And I just realized that was a little gay.

2 Clutch A

Anyway, Clutch is on of the few Original 13 I don't really have any attachment to but I'm glad he's part of the collection. Just check out that non-reg facial hair.


  1. Nice vehicle added to 25th ann collection. HISS tank, RAM and AWE, side-by-side with VAMP, are the best, I think. I miss the APC and the FERRET ATV, 2 classics I'd like to see in 25th collection.

  2. Well, I know its not the right colors, but they did kind of release the Ferret in the movie line. Check out the Snake Trax ATV in the movie line.

  3. Well, thx for the info, but I already know the Snake Trax. I just don't like the colors, and they replaced the cannon with another thing. But I'll try buy a nice, used and old ferret ATV someday........

    One more thing: keep posting!!! I like your blog so much!!!!!

  4. I'm trying to decide whether to picture this guy as a pissed off eastern european or as Angel from the Rockford files. (Seriously, google it if you don't know what I'm talking about.)

    ~Matt Booker

  5. He's like if Billy Mays was in the Army...
